Monday, December 31, 2012

Birthday Wishes

Today is Dan's 34th how time has flown!  I can't believe it's been 8 years since our whirlwind courtship began.  It seems like just yesterday these wedding photos were taken.  I thought (and still think) that he was the most handsome guy I'd ever seen.  

I know every couple feels this way, but I don't think any two people were ever as in love as we were...and still are.

The reflections in the mirror have changed a bit, but the feelings we have for one another stand strong.  He is my knight in shining armor, my Prince Charming, my fairytale come true, and my Happily Ever After.  (Not to mention the best father a girl could ask for for her children.)  Happy Birthday, Dan! I love you!!

Continuing the Tradition

When I was a kid my brother and I always got to open one present each on Christmas Eve.  Without fail we got a pair of pajamas.  Dan and I kept that tradition alive this year by letting Lorelai and Miller open up one present before heading off to bed on Christmas Eve...and guess what they got?!?!

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Projects and Pastries (Technically, Cookies)

Christmas Eve day was probably one of the longest on record.  The kids were super excited about Santa coming and bedtime couldn't come soon enough.  I had the idea to keep them busy by doing projects the majority of the day.  They stayed very engaged and made lots of cute arts & crafts.
Tissue paper animals were first on the list.

A brief break was taken to play with Daddy's drill after he hung up the stockings.

 Next, Miller made his "Build-A-Bear" of sorts.  One of the accessories he chose was a moustache.

 Lorelai got her hands on the glasses and wanted to model them.
Paper bag puppets were a hit ~ Lorelai made the dog. (I couldn't get a good picture of Miller and the monkey that he made.)
Our last activity of the day was to make cookies for Santa. 

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Cards Worth Sharing

Here's the Christmas card that Lorelai made in art class at school.  I think she did a great job!
This is our Christmas card that my fabulously talented brother, Craig, made for us from scratch.

Sunday, December 23, 2012

A "Magical" Idea

One of Lorelai's classmates gave her this Magic Reindeer Food and I thought the idea was too cute not to share.  The tag reads as follows:
"Be sure to take this magic reindeer food and sprinkle it on the lawn.
 On Christmas Santa's reindeer travel miles before the dawn.
 The smell of oats and glitter path will guide them on their way,
 And you'll wake up to Santa's gifts next morn on Christmas Day!"
The magical food bag contains dry oats and glitter.  How adorable!! 

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Isabella's B-day Bash

The night before our big weekend in Atlanta, Lorelai helped one of her oldest friends, Isabella, celebrate her 6th birthday at Par-Tee Time in Easley.
Her pretty princess cake.
Lorelai with the sweet birthday girl.

Sunday, December 16, 2012

An Amazing Afternoon

Last Saturday we had a girls' day in Atlanta.  Lorelai, my mom, and I enjoyed a very special lunch at the American Girl store with some friends.  Lorelai brought her doll, Alestia, along for the ride and a fabulous time was had by all. 

Ashlyn and Molly.

Everyone got an appetizer to start off their meal.  Even the dolls had their own special seats and teacups.
The meal was concluded with mini-ice cream cones.
Headed to have their pictures made with "Rocky" from "Shake It Up." 

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

A Night at "The Nutcracker"

After Lorelai's exciting day on Saturday it was time to head to a special performance of "The Nutcracker" in which her friend Ashlyn had three different parts.  I was worried that she might get a little antsy as the ballet lasted late into the evening, but the first words out of her mouth when it was over were, "That was awesome!" 
She was very excited to get autographs and pose with some stars of the show after the performance.  Here she is with Clara.
She was totally smitten with the Mouse King.
Lorelai with Spanish and the Dew Drop Fairy, respectively.

Lorelai's hair went a little awry while having her picture made with the Arabian princess.
 Could not be more in love with this picture of Ashlyn and Lorelai.  They are the best of friends.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

An Unexpected Surprise

On Saturday Lorelai, my mom, and I went to Atlanta for a special girls' weekend.  We had a special lunch (details to follow in a later post) and that evening we went to see her friend, Ashlyn, dance in "The Nutcracker."  While we were at the mall we saw that "Rocky" from Disney Channel's "Shake It Up" was going to be signing autographs.  Lorelai couldn't get in line fast enough to get her picture made with a real celebrity.  It was a weekend she won't soon forget!!

Thursday, December 6, 2012

What's Cookin'?

These kiddos just LOVE getting dressed up to pretend to be chefs.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Miller's Big Move

This past weekend Dan built the rails for Miller's "big boy" bed so that he could transiton out of his toddler bed.  Here is the finished product, complete with the Spider-Man decor that Miller picked out himself.

Checking the sturdiness of Daddy's handiwork.
Sweet dreams, Miller Man.