Friday, April 22, 2016

Miracles Can Happen

So everyday for the past 7 1/2 years, since November 2008, I have had a headache.  Sometimes it is to a migraine level, while others it is just a constant, dull pain dead in the center of my forehead.  I have tried everything from prescription medications, to over-the-counter remedies, homeopathic remedies, and even Botox.  I have also modified my eating to try to eliminate these headaches.  I have had several tests run and there seems to be no particular cause for these headaches.  I have prayed for years that they would go away.  This past Tuesday, April 19, I woke up and noticed that my head didn't hurt.  For the past four days I have been headache free.  Everyone asks what I am doing differently and I have to reply, "nothing."  My true belief is that God chose this time in my life to free me of this pain because I have not changed anything.  That way I can give every bit of credit and praise to Him.  I am so blessed!

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Take Me Out to the Ball Game

Here are some pictures from Lorelai and Miller's first baseball game.  I can't take credit for them as I was on the sideline coaching.  They both had a great time- Go Marathon Believers!!!

Lorelai played catcher for the opposing team since they didn't have enough players.  The boy in the picture Jordan, our coach's assistant.

 He saw this one and said, "I was adjusting my glove."

 He has mean game face on in this one.

Saturday, April 16, 2016

New Beds

Since we will not be getting a house for at least another year we decided to change the kids' rooms up and get them new beds.  And what do new beds need?  New bedding!

Miller's fitted sheet.
His two-sided pillow case.  He alternates sides each night.  Too funny!

His flat sheet.
Currently the underside of his reversible comforter.
The big picture.
One happy little boy.

Lorelai's new mint green sheets.
Her very grown-up looking new bedding.

Giving a thumbs up...oh wait she's upside down.
Giving a thumbs down so it will be "up."

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Having Fun at Hailey's Party

One of Lorelai's best friends, Hailey, had her 11th birthday party over the weekend at Gravitopia.  Lorelai and Miller had a blast!