Friday, June 26, 2015

An Afternoon In the Breezeway

What better way to attempt to cool off from the hot June sun than to ride plasma cars in the breezeway while enjoying tasty freezy pops?
 No pictures, please!

Just love this one for some reason.
Riding "side saddle." 

Saturday, June 20, 2015

You Know You're Doing Something Right

When Lorelai came home with her yearbook this was one of the messages that had been written in it.  It warms your heart as a parent to know that you're raising your kids right and that they are being kind to everyone, even when other children are not.

Sunday, June 7, 2015

Summer Splash

Yesterday Lorelai and Miller had their first official pool play date of the summer.  They went over to their friends Elena and Angus' pool to play for a few hours.  They had a great time!