Tuesday, July 30, 2013


This little boy truly cracks me up.  He is a little sponge of conversations and vocabulary.  The information that he retains from the stuff that he hears astounds me.  Last week he went to VBS at a local church.  Their daily lessons were focused on Paul.  On Saturday night after VBS another local church brought dinner and bouncy houses to our apartment complex.  They piped Christian music through a sound system and Miller danced and danced.  When I explained to him that the music was about God and Jesus he turned to me and said, "Actually, it's about Paul and Jesus."  Too cute!!

He is also very witty.  While riding in the car today after we dropped off Lorelai at camp he asked me, "Is it a beautiful day without Lorelai?" 

He is also very kind-hearted.  He climbed up in my lap yesterday and told me that I could keep him "forever and ever. "  Here are a few cute pictures and a short video of this sweet little man.

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Posing at Perdidio Key

Christine, my mom, and the girls came to visit us in Perdidio Key.  I took the opportunity to take  few pictures.  My camera was acting up so I didn't document the event like I normally would have.
Dan showing off his fancy new hat.
 Caroline was always up for striking a pose.
Apparently posing with peace signs was the order of the day. 

Christine and me sporting the hot pink.

Friday, July 26, 2013

The Fast and The Furious

While in Destin, Lorelai and Miller were introduced to their new favorite toys ~ plasma cars.  They are great for just about any age.  Miller had a blast riding them, but Caroline who is 8 and tall for her age had a fantastic time on them, too.  
 Minor fender bender with Miller and Bella.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Stepping Stones and Sand Art

Crafting is an everyday activity with Lorelai and Miller during the summer.  Over the course of a few days they made stepping stones and sand art.  Somehow I misplaced the final pictures of their stepping stones, but at least you can see the artistic process.
Dr. Miller.

Dr. Lorelai.

Mixing up the Plaster of Paris was a time-consuming task, not to mention messy.  I ruined two bath towels.  :(  They had fun though, and that's what matters.

Even while actively engaged in this activity he still couldn't take his eyes off of the TV.
A few days later they got to fill up vials with different colored sand.  Miller had some help from me to make sure his colors stayed separated.
Lorelai added her colors meticulously then shook them up.  Everything ended up glittery gold.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Fun Before Florida

Before we left for Florida we went to Chick-Fil-A to meet a special someone.  Here is a picture of my sweet angels before the guest of honor arrived.
It's Elmo!!  Miller opted out of sitting with him, but did wave at him and try to give him a high five.
After meeting Elmo it was time to hit the play area.

Lorelai put her hands behind her back and pretended to be captured.  Not sure why.

Family portrait time.

Apparent miscommunication.  We were supposed to be making "surprised faces."  I did my surprised face, Miller made a silly face, and Lorelai smiled.  Still a fun picture.  :)

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Down By The Seashore

Our first official day in Perdido Key was spent on the beach.  The kids had a blast playing in the sand, and eventually playing in the ocean.  Here are some pictures of everyone enjoying the beautiful sand and sun.

Heading down to the water to get provisions for sand castles.

 Getting buried alive...at least from the waist down.

Grandmother Catherine soaking up some rays and reading her Nook.
Having a consultation with the artist.
 Mermaid sighting!!