Saturday, January 30, 2016

Always a Blast

This past Thursday Dan, the kids, Ma, and I went to Chuck E. Cheese for the evening.  The kids had a blast riding the rides, playing the games, and winning tickets, but as always the highlght was getting to see Chuck E. Cheese.

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Kid Logic Cracks Me Up

So today I had to run down to the apartment office to get an air filter.  I told the kids I would be right back.  Miller told me that their friend Drake should be in charge because he had the longest feet. Looks to me like Lorelai and Miller are right behind him in that category - Drake is in the middle with Miller on the left and Lorelai's bare feet on the right.  Miller's logic cracks me up.

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Snow Penguin

Yesterday the kids called Dan and I out to see their snowman-turns out it was more of a snow penguin.  They did a great job and they were super excited when I told them it reminded me of the Pittsburgh Penguins mascot Iceburgh, as the love for Pittsburgh sports teams runs deep in this family. 

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Isabella's 9th B-day Bash

Lorelai's best friend, Isabella, had her 9th birthday party right before the Christmas holidays.  I was hired as the photographer so I took pictures of everyone and everything that happened at the party, but here are a few shots I got of Lorelai and Miller...and of course the birthday girl.

Miller, the handstand man.

 Isabella loves horseback riding so she had a horse cake for the second year running to go with her cowgirl/cowboy themed party.
Howdy, ma'am!

 Lorelai and Isabella.
 Delicious cupcakes.
 The beautiful, and tasty, horse cake.

 Santa Claus also showed up.
 Time for a dance party.

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Christmas at the Jacob House

 Ma's famous spaghetti - our annual Christmas dinner tradition.

 Plasma car fun - another annual tradition.

 A decorated bed for her new American Girl doll from Ma and Pap, Grace.

 In her new matching "Mommy and doll" pajamas.
 Sierra and Grace also got the same pajamas.