Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Fall Festival Fun

On Sunday we went to the annual fall festival at Marathon Church. 
Rochelle Goyle (from Monster High) and a storm trooper (or as Miller calls it Darth Vader's minion) reporting for duty.

 Miller and Lorelai got to pie Ms. Becky, our soccer team bench mom, in the face.
 Fishing for candy.

Dancing while waiting in line.

 Our very handsome boy.
 Lorelai channeling her inner gargoyle to try to scare Chase.
 The fab four.

 Playing some carnival games.

 Dancing and having fun.

Sunday, October 18, 2015

More Soccer Fun

Very cool to see both of my awesome kiddos working together on the same team.

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

American Girl Memories

This past Saturday a very dear friend, Ann Heard, gave us a priceless gift.  She gave Lorelai and me tickets to the American Girl Fashion Show.  Since we were given 4 tickets Lorelai was able to invite her best friend, Isabella, and her mom to the show.  Thank you so much, Ann (AKA-Mary Poppins)!!

 Lorelai's mouth looks crazy because she had a mouthful of cantaloupe.

 Enjoying a tasty cream puff.

 A few of the models and their dolls.