Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Cookie Craze

The same night that the kids made individual pizzas they also baked Easter egg cookies and decorated them.

Miller was in charge of baking the yellow ones and Lorelai took command of the pink eggs.

After the cookies baked and cooled it was time for icing and sprinkles.

1 comment:

  1. I have these three pics on display life size in my kitchen in one of my digital picture displays and everyone gets a big kick out of the girl. I tell everyone she is my "goofy little kitchen girl" LOL! They always say something like, "I can see why LOL!"
    https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-ro_z-K-S9fI/VUiarbDA-XI/AAAAAAAAIyY/hS-acRxFesg/s0/IMG_7636.JPG https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-WiLC6-s7rW4/VUibF7KDypI/AAAAAAAAIzI/2Loz7IKYdNI/s0/IMG_7649.JPG https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-Qr60E5REE2s/VUibMKlo4ZI/AAAAAAAAIzY/8TsAXebl-k8/s0/IMG_7652.JPG
